@Libitum Music and art studio
@Libitum is a truly unique organisation that defines its own category in the space of Singapore's private music education.
What sets us apart is the uniquely
high qualifications of our instructors
(Bachelor of music and higher) and
the special approach to teaching that
grows out of the traditional Russian system.
Every teacher's personality and approach is unique but also deeply rooted in the Russian school of music education. All our teachers have at the minimum a bachelors degree in music performance and are therefore drawing on decades of personal experience to provide every student with a truly unique insight at any level of ability.
Group Classes
Our group classes are designed to prepare beginners with special programmes to jump start progress to mastery in an atmosphere of fun competitiveness.
Introduction to variable music rhythms, solfege singing, music instrumental playing
(including violin, piano and percussion)
Learning through games and active listening of classical music.
Age group:
2.5 -5yrs old
Friday: 4.30-5.30pm
Saturday: 11.30-12.30pm
Master Keys is 2 year programme for kids between 5-7yrs old with minimal or no prior musical training. Children learn piano and fundamentals of music through games and team work.
Age group
5-7yrs old
Thursday: 5.30-6.30pm
Sunday: 12.30-1.30pm
Nothing else stimulates learning like playing music in a group of peers. Lets make music together!
Age group:
6-14yrs old
(Audition is required)
Every Sunday: 2.30-4pm
We are not copying or using templates! It's all about imagination, open mind and a personal style.
1:00-2.15pm - age: 3-5yrs old
2.30-5:00pm - age 6-10 yrs
1:00-2.30 pm - age 6-10yrs old